Special Notice !

The Bluebird Cup 2024 Hong Kong Inter-School Drone Racing Competition

Organiser:International Steam Association

Award: 3A Tang Kei Lok  – championship and first prize

2E, Hung Tsz Yeung – Third prize


The International STEAM Association held the Bluebird Cup 2024 Hong Kong Inter-School Drone Racing Competition in June. The competition aimed to promote drone racing among local students and enhance their proficiency in drone operation and programming.

The competition required students to navigate through all drone obstacles with speed and precision to complete all tasks.

Students from different schools across Hong Kong competed in this competition, and our school’s students achieved excellent results. 3A, Tang Kei Lok, won the championship and first prize with a perfect score, while 2E, Hung Tsz Yeung, received the third prize.

We hope that they will continue the dedication and passion in the field of drone racing and become role models for other students in our school, leading other drone team members to achieve outstanding results and contribute to the advancement of drone racing and STEM education.

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