“Pursuing Excellence and Beyond Award Scheme”, jointly organised by the Man Kwan Education Fund and the Fung Hon Chu Educational Trust, aims to support the learning and development of local gifted students and encourage them to pursue excellence and continuous improvement. It is to award the Hong Kong primary and secondary school students for their participation in different learning activities, so as to broaden their horizons, nurture outstanding talents for the local community and support the development of local education.
The scheme was first launched and satisfactorily completed in 2013 for primary and secondary school students in Kwun Tong / Sai Kung, Yuen Long / Tin Shui Wai. In 2014, the scheme further extended to all districts in Hong Kong, and is now held every two years for secondary students and primary students respectively. The programme assesses students’ development in four areas including leadership, creative thinking, talent and social commitment. Awarded students will be given a scholarship of $5,000 and will participate in a series of extended learning activities where they can share their learning experience with each other. The Selection Committee will also select three awardees to participate in local or overseas youth conferences, exchanges and activities to broaden the awardees horizons and promote their leadership development.
For more information, please visit the Scheme website: www.pebofficial.org
The Man Kwan Education Organisation, founded by Professor Tam Man Kwan and Ms. Yung Lai Chun, has been promoting education development in Hong Kong through school management, education seminars and training, organizing academic competitions and activities that help students grow. The “Man Kwan Education Fund” (hereinafter called the Fund) has established the “Tin Shui Wai Children” award scheme since 2007 in order to encourage more primary pupils in Tin Shui Wai/Yuen Long to establish goals and study hard, providing a platform to commend positive, optimistic and diligent students.
As the “Tin Shui Wai Children” award scheme reaches its 17th year, which has accumulated more than 2,500 student participants. The Fund will continue to work hard for the development of the Tin Shui Wai community and benefit more school children.
This year’s award program has four categories: “Outstanding Kids,” “Talented Kids,” “Self-strengthening Kids,” and “Innovative Kids.” The outstanding performances of students in each category will be evaluated by a panel of judges, and the most outstanding students will be awarded the relevant prizes.
Five students will be selected from each category, and each student will receive a scholarship of HKD 2,000*. They will also be able to participate in the Fund’s summer learning activities to enhance their leadership skills and broaden their horizons.
“Outstanding Kids”: Reward students who have outstanding performance in academics or extracurricular activities.
“Talented Kids”: Reward students who have unique talents in literature, recitation, music, drama, dance, sports, visual arts, or other fields.
“Self-strengthening Kids “: Reward students who continue to work hard and maintain a positive and optimistic attitude in adversity and have achieved success.
“Innovative Kids”: Reward students who can fully demonstrate their creativity in science, scientific research, or information technology fields.
Participants must be current (2024-2025) primary school students in P4 to P6 in the Tin Shui Wai/Yuen Long area, and there is no limit to the number of participants from each school.
The registration form can be downloaded here (Chinese version only). Students must fill in the attached registration form and choose one of the above categories.
Participants must send the completed registration form together with copies of documents that can prove relevant cases to the Fund Secretariat (Address: 51 Tin Wah Road, Tin Shui Wai) on or before March 21, 2025 (based on the postmark date).
Participants must attend the interview. The interview time will be notified separately.
The scheme is organized by Fung Hon Chu Education Trust Fund and Man Kwan Education Fund for supporting local education and encouraging talented and excellent students to study hard and keep progressing in order to be outstanding people contributive to society.
This scheme has been started since 2013. The target groups were mainly the students who lived in the districts in Kwun Tong / Sai Kung, Yung Long / Tin Shui Wai at the beginning. In 2014, the scheme decided to involve students in all districts to join. Students granted with scholarships ($5,000) can attend various learning activities, enrich their knowledge and broaden their horizons; there are also extended learning activities after award-presentation in which award-winning students can share what they learn with each other in a reunion. Judging committee members will select the best three students with awards to attend local or overseas youth conferences for further exchanges and activities through which they can further broaden their horizons and develop their leadership skills.
憑著各界人士的多年努力,已將天水圍發展成為一設備完善,融洽友善的社區,我們亦喜見區內學童的努力及堅持,在學習上爭取佳績。萬鈞教育基金(下稱「基金」)為鼓勵更多天水圍 / 元朗小學生建立目標,努力學習,於2007年起設立「天水圍的孩子」獎勵計劃,目的就是為天水圍區的學生提供一個平台,以表揚一群積極樂觀、奮發向上的學童。
「愛心孩子」﹕獎勵在社會服務或行為表現上表達出對人群 / 社會關愛*
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面試安排 —— 參加者必須出席面試。面試時間將另行通知。
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「天水圍的孩子」獎勵計劃 2019 各獎項得獎名單
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