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Main Album » Dongguan Cultural Industry and Innovation and Technology One-day Study Tour

Date: 25/04/2024

The Girl Guides of our school participated in the “Dongguan Cultural Industry and Innovation and Technology One-day Study Tour” organized by the Hong Kong Girl Guides Association. We visited Hua Wei Town, enjoyed a rich lunch and then visited Naval War Museum and Weiyuan Fort.
In addition to being an integral part for the Weiyuan Fort’s patriotic education base, the Naval War Museum is also one of the country’s three major anti-drug education bases. More than 200 Girl Guides attended the event on Saturday.

Media Reports
Main Album » Dongguan Cultural Industry and Innovation and Technology One-day Study Tour

Date: 25/04/2024

The Girl Guides of our school participated in the “Dongguan Cultural Industry and Innovation and Technology One-day Study Tour” organized by the Hong Kong Girl Guides Association. We visited Hua Wei Town, enjoyed a rich lunch and then visited Naval War Museum and Weiyuan Fort.
In addition to being an integral part for the Weiyuan Fort’s patriotic education base, the Naval War Museum is also one of the country’s three major anti-drug education bases. More than 200 Girl Guides attended the event on Saturday.