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Main Album » InnoEX

Date: 13/04/2024

The second “Hong Kong International Innovation and Technology Expo” (InnoEX), jointly organized by the Innovation and Technology Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government and the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC), officially opened today. The exhibition, themed “Smart Innovation Connecting the World,” features a series of forums, seminars, business matching, and networking activities aimed at deepening innovation and technology development, fostering cross-disciplinary collaborations, accelerating Hong Kong’s progress towards becoming an international innovation and technology hub, and promoting the development of new productive forces at the national level.

The school plans to organize students’ participation in various technology application workshops and forum activities, aiming to enhance their understanding of the transformative power of smart cities. These activities will provide students with opportunities to practice and explore technological innovation and interact with industry experts, promoting their understanding and interest in the technology industry.

In the workshops, students will have the opportunity to learn and apply various technological tools and skills, such as artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, and big data analytics. They will engage in practical experiments and case studies to understand how these technologies are applied in smart city construction and solving real-world problems. These workshops will encourage students’ creativity and problem-solving abilities, as well as cultivate their practical skills in the field of technology.

The purpose of these activities is to inspire students’ enthusiasm for technology and foster their innovative thinking, equipping them with competitiveness in the future digital society. By participating in these activities, students will gain a better understanding of the impact of technology on society and the economy, preparing them for their future learning and careers.

Media Reports
Main Album » InnoEX

Date: 13/04/2024

The second “Hong Kong International Innovation and Technology Expo” (InnoEX), jointly organized by the Innovation and Technology Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government and the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC), officially opened today. The exhibition, themed “Smart Innovation Connecting the World,” features a series of forums, seminars, business matching, and networking activities aimed at deepening innovation and technology development, fostering cross-disciplinary collaborations, accelerating Hong Kong’s progress towards becoming an international innovation and technology hub, and promoting the development of new productive forces at the national level.

The school plans to organize students’ participation in various technology application workshops and forum activities, aiming to enhance their understanding of the transformative power of smart cities. These activities will provide students with opportunities to practice and explore technological innovation and interact with industry experts, promoting their understanding and interest in the technology industry.

In the workshops, students will have the opportunity to learn and apply various technological tools and skills, such as artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, and big data analytics. They will engage in practical experiments and case studies to understand how these technologies are applied in smart city construction and solving real-world problems. These workshops will encourage students’ creativity and problem-solving abilities, as well as cultivate their practical skills in the field of technology.

The purpose of these activities is to inspire students’ enthusiasm for technology and foster their innovative thinking, equipping them with competitiveness in the future digital society. By participating in these activities, students will gain a better understanding of the impact of technology on society and the economy, preparing them for their future learning and careers.