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Main Album » Career Life Planning Carnival and Life Planning Advisor Program

Date: 23/02/2024

Our school’s Career Life Planning Carnival and Life Planning Advisor event this year was successfully held on February 23rd.

For this year’s Life Planning Advisor event, we invited 55 alumni and parents to serve as life planning advisors. The participants came from diverse industries, including finance, insurance, STEAM-related fields, as well as university students and entrepreneurs. They shared insights on career requirements and industry nature, aiming to assist our Form 5 and Form 6 students in early career planning and self-preparation.

Simultaneously, our school also organized a Career Planning Carnival, inviting sixteen tertiary institutions to provide subject information. As we face the challenges of the 21st century, many institutions have introduced new subjects, and students expressed that they were learning about some subjects for the first time. We hope that students can understand that regardless of the field they choose to pursue, “lifelong learning” is an essential skill and attitude.

List of participating institutions (in no particular order):

1) Hong Kong Institute of Construction
2) UOW College Hong Kong
3) Lingnan Institute of Further Education, Lingnan University
4) School of Continuing Education, Hong Kong Baptist University
5) Youth College
6) Vocational Training Council
7) MTR Academy
8) ⁠The HKU SPACE Po Leung Kuk Stanley Ho Community College
9) ⁠Hong Kong Metropolitan University
10) ⁠Hong Kong Shue Yan University
11) School of Continuing and Professional Studies, CUHK
12) ⁠Hong Kong Chu Hai College
13) The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong
14) Saint Francis University
15) Hong Kong Art School
16) Tung Wah College

Media Reports
Main Album » Career Life Planning Carnival and Life Planning Advisor Program

Date: 23/02/2024

Our school’s Career Life Planning Carnival and Life Planning Advisor event this year was successfully held on February 23rd.

For this year’s Life Planning Advisor event, we invited 55 alumni and parents to serve as life planning advisors. The participants came from diverse industries, including finance, insurance, STEAM-related fields, as well as university students and entrepreneurs. They shared insights on career requirements and industry nature, aiming to assist our Form 5 and Form 6 students in early career planning and self-preparation.

Simultaneously, our school also organized a Career Planning Carnival, inviting sixteen tertiary institutions to provide subject information. As we face the challenges of the 21st century, many institutions have introduced new subjects, and students expressed that they were learning about some subjects for the first time. We hope that students can understand that regardless of the field they choose to pursue, “lifelong learning” is an essential skill and attitude.

List of participating institutions (in no particular order):

1) Hong Kong Institute of Construction
2) UOW College Hong Kong
3) Lingnan Institute of Further Education, Lingnan University
4) School of Continuing Education, Hong Kong Baptist University
5) Youth College
6) Vocational Training Council
7) MTR Academy
8) ⁠The HKU SPACE Po Leung Kuk Stanley Ho Community College
9) ⁠Hong Kong Metropolitan University
10) ⁠Hong Kong Shue Yan University
11) School of Continuing and Professional Studies, CUHK
12) ⁠Hong Kong Chu Hai College
13) The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong
14) Saint Francis University
15) Hong Kong Art School
16) Tung Wah College