Program S1 Bridging Programme (2017-2018)
1. To help and guide the pre-S1 students to prepare their secondary school life
2. To have students cope with the secondary school curriculum
3. To provide students with a wide variety of activities
4. To boost students’ self-confidence
The S1 Bridging Programme will be held from 18th – 28th, July and 15th – 23rd, August, in order to help and guide the pre-S1 students to prepare their secondary school life, to understand the school rules, to have a better self-understanding and to boost students’ self-confidence, communication skills and problem-solving skills.
During the Bridging Programme, the pre-S1 students will have chances to participate in a wide variety of activities including, English Drama performance, Adventure Training (Zip Line & Abseiling), Talent Development and Future Classroom (IT & STEM Programmes).
Through the adventure training, students will be given a chance to review their primary school life and set a goal for their secondary school learning. In the end of the programme, all pre-S1 students are encouraged to participate and perform in the S1 Bridiging Programme Closing Ceremony to share their learning achievement.
18/7 – 28/7 & 15/8 – 23/8
9:30am – 12:30pm
(28/7:9:30am – 4:30pm)
School Campus
Assistant Principal Ms. Fung Shun Ling
Student Affair Master Ms. Ho Ching Yin