Special Notice !

4th Zengcheng-Hong Kong-Macau Sister School Science and Technology Exploration Camp and Greater Bay Area Practical Activities

Guangzhou, China

Four students from our school, Shum Yik Hin from 1D, Ko Chun Yin from 3B, Leung Ho Wah from 1C, and Liu Kin Hei from 2D, participated in the “4th Zengcheng-Hong Kong-Macau Sister School Science and Technology Exploration Camp and Greater Bay Area Practical Activities” organized by our sister school, Zengcheng No.1 Middle School in Guangzhou. The students engaged in model aircraft construction courses and experienced STEAM activities related to drones.

During this program, the students learned about the relevant physics knowledge of drone flight, as well as the assembly of model aircraft and the operation of drone projects. The activities enhanced their hands-on skills, investigative abilities, and facilitated exchanges between students from sister schools in the two regions.

Liu Kin Hei , a student from Class 2D at our school, performed exceptionally well in the drone competition and was honored with the title of “Excellent Student”. Liu shared his reflection on the activities, highlighting the technical challenges he encountered during the drone construction process. However, with the team’s perseverance and continuous testing and adjustment of his drone, he strived to do his best and ultimately achieved excellent results in the drone flight competition. The students are grateful to the school for providing them with opportunities to develop their drone skills and look forward to continuous improvement in the future.

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